Social Events and English Skills Workshops
ITAP is excited to offer opportunities for international graduate students to participate in our drop-in workshops and casual social events. If you want to improve your English communication and teaching skills, meet new people, chat with native English speakers, and learn more about American culture, then check out our programming!
Fall 2024 Events Heading link

Our programs and workshops are also listed on the Graduate College Events Calendar.
Graduate College Events Calendar
Fall and Spring Social Events & Skills Workshops Heading link
ITAP is excited to offer two different monthly activities during the Fall and Spring semesters: Teatime Tuesdays/Feel Good Fridays and Skills Workshops. More information about individual events will be communicated via email as they approach. You can also contact us at if you have any questions about the events.
Teatime Tuesdays/Feel Good Fridays
On 1-2 Tuesdays/Fridays of each month, ITAP will offer a coffee and conversation hour, where graduate students can practice their English conversation skills with both native and non-native English-speakers.
Skills Workshops
Looking for fun and exciting ways to practice your English speaking skills and learn more about American culture? Then look no further! Over the course of the semester, ITAP offers different skill-based workshops. Keep an eye out for flyers and email announcements with more information about the upcoming workshop topics.
Upcoming Events Heading link
Make sure to join ITAP’s events mailing list to receive emails about our upcoming events and workshops!